Current context: Rajya Sabha has passed the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2019 on 30th July 2017.
a. India is 1st country to ban triple Talaq
b. Triple Talaq is a punishable offence with up to 3-year jail term
c. The bill is passed by both the houses of the parliament
d. b & c
e. All of them

- The provisions of the bill make the practice of instant oral talaq or talaq-e-biddat by Muslim men illegal and punishable with a jail term of up to 3 years.
- The bill was passed in the Lok Sabha on 25th July 2019.
- The bill is waiting to get the President’s assent, and with this, it will replace an ordinance promulgated on 21st February 2019 with the same effect as the bill.
- The information relating to the commission of the offence can be given by the married Muslim women at whom talaq is announced or any other person related to her by marriage or blood.
- More than 20 Islamic nation have regulated triple talaq as it is a matter of humanity, gender equality and women empowerment.
Q.1 Which option is correct in the context of the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill?a. India is 1st country to ban triple Talaq
b. Triple Talaq is a punishable offence with up to 3-year jail term
c. The bill is passed by both the houses of the parliament
d. b & c
e. All of them