Current context: Union Human Resource Development Minister Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank launched NISHTHA on 21nd August 2019 in New Delhi.
a. School Students
b. Teachers
c. Farmers
d. Physically Disabled

- The training programme ‘NISHTHA’ has the objective to motivate and equip teachers to encourage critical thinking in students.
- The programme aims to build the capacities of around 42 lakh participants including all faculty members of State Councils of Educational Research and Training (SCERTs), all teachers and Heads of Schools at the elementary level in all Government schools, District Institutes of Education and Training (DIETs) and Block Resource Coordinators.
- During the programme Primer Booklet, a Mobile App and Learning Management System (LMS) based on MOODLE (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment, NISHTHA Website, and Training Modules were also launched.
- LMS would help for the dissemination of resources, registration of Resource Persons and Teachers, monitoring, mentoring and measuring the progress online and training gap and impact analysis.
Q.1 The government has recently launched an initiative called NISHTHA for?a. School Students
b. Teachers
c. Farmers
d. Physically Disabled