Current context: The 7th Economic Census was launched in the National Capital Territory of Delhi on 13th Dec 19.
a. 1974, sixth
b. 1975, fourth
c. 1977, Seventh
d. 1979, eighth

- The economic census is being carried out by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) that has a tie-up with Common Service Centre.
- For the first time, the entire census is being conducted on an IT-based digital platform to ensure high accuracy and data security.
- The survey is already in process in 20 states and 5 Union Territories and Delhi is the 26th State where the survey has been launched.
- The economic census is conducted throughout the country counting all entrepreneurial units, agricultural or non-agricultural that are engaged in production/ distribution of goods/services, not for the sole purpose of own consumption.
- The First Economic Census was conducted by the Central Statistical Organisation throughout the country, except Lakshadweep, during 1977.
- The subsequent Censuses were conducted in the years 1980, 1990, 1998, 2005. The 6th and the latest census was conducted in 2013.
- A K Sadhu is the Director-General of Social Statistics at the Central Statistics Office (CSO).
Q.1 The first economic census was conducted in India in the year _______ and the _______ economic census is being conducted in 2019?a. 1974, sixth
b. 1975, fourth
c. 1977, Seventh
d. 1979, eighth