Current context: Union Minister of State for PMO Dr Jitendra Singh launched the Bhuvan Panchayat V3 web Portal on 28th January 2020 at the Anthariksh Bhavan, ISRO Head Quarters in Bengaluru.
a. Gram Panchyat V4 web Portal
b. Deshantar Panchayat V3 web Portal
c. Bhuvan Panchayat V3 web Portal
d. Seva Panchayat V4 web Portal

- The Bhuvan Panchayat V3 web Portal is launched to enhance network application of gram panchayats.
- The Portal will function with the help of satellite technology developed by ISRO.
- The Web Geo portal is developed for:
- Database visualization
- Data analytics
- Generation of automatic reports
- Model based products and services for the benefit of Gram Panchayat members and other stake holders.
- The targeted audience for this portal are Public, PRIs and different stakeholders belonging to the gram panchayats.
- For the first time, thematic database on 1:10,000 scale for the entire country is available with high integrated High Resolution satellite data for planning.
- ISRO: Indian Space Research Organisation
- Founder: Vikram Sarabhai
- Founded: 15th August 1969
- Headquarters: Bengaluru
- Director: Kailasavadivoo Sivan
Q.1 Which portal is launched by the Government of India to enhance network application of gram panchayats for a thematic Database visualization, Data analytics, Generation of automatic reports etc?a. Gram Panchyat V4 web Portal
b. Deshantar Panchayat V3 web Portal
c. Bhuvan Panchayat V3 web Portal
d. Seva Panchayat V4 web Portal