Current context: PM Shri Narendra Modi gave Krishi Karman Award for progressive farmers and commendation Awards to the state at public meeting in Tumkur at Karnataka.
a. Chhattisgarh
b. Uttar Pradesh
c. Manipur
d. Punjab

- Manipur was selected for the prestigious award as the best-performing state in Overall Food-grain Production Category-III (production less than 1 million tones) for the year 2017-18.
- Two farmers of Manipur — Yenkhom Bishworjit Singh of Kakching Panji Leikai, Kakching District and Thingbaijam Johnny Chanu of Lamboikhul Awang Leikai, Imphal East District — also received the Krishi Karman Award for Progressive Farmers for highest production in rice and pulses during 2017-18.
- The award carried a trophy, a citation and an amount of Rs. 5 crore.
- The state achieved the highest production of rice and pulses to the tune of 2570 kg/hectare and 960 kg/hectare against the national average of 2475 kg/hectare and 779 kg/hectare respectively, in the year 2017-18.
- Chhattisgarh received the Krishi Karman award for highest food grains production.
- The winners were selected by a committee headed by top officials of the government on the basis of their assessment of performance regarding:
- Production outcomes
- Implementation of crop production programmes
- Innovative approaches adopted for effective service delivery
Q.1 Which state has received the Krishi Karman Award for the best-performing state in Overall Food-grain Production Category-III (production less than 1 million tone) for the year 2017-18?a. Chhattisgarh
b. Uttar Pradesh
c. Manipur
d. Punjab