Current context: India and Russia to sign MoU on Ak-203 assault rifles in a month for procurement of 7.5 lakh AK-203 rifles.
a. USA
b. Russia
c. Japan
d. France

- About 1 Lakh Units will come directly from Russia and rest will be manufactured locally by an India-Russia joint venture, Indo-Russia Rifles Private Limited (IRRPL) at Korwa in Uttar Pradesh.
- This Joint venture was formed by Inter Governmental Agreement between India and Russia in February 2019.
- The faculty is being set up between Rosoboron Exports and Kalashnikov on Russian side with 49.5% equity while Ordnance Factories Board on Indian side with 50% shareholding.
- Army has appointed Major General Sanjeev Senger as the chief Executive Officer of Indo-Russia Rifles Private Limited to ensure timely delivery of weapons.
Q.1 An Intergovernmental agreement between India and _________ for a joint venture on Ak-203 assault rifles has been signed recently?a. USA
b. Russia
c. Japan
d. France