Current context: Indo-Bangladesh joint military training exercise SAMPRITI-IX is being conducted at UMROI, Meghalaya, India from 3rd Feb to 16th Feb 2020.
a. Mitra Shakti - India & Sri Lanka
b. SAMPRITI – India & Bhutan
c. Hand in Hand – India & China
d. Indra – India & Russia

- The defence cooperation exercise SAMPRITI 2020 will be the ninth edition of the exercise which is hosted alternately by both countries.
- During SAMPRITI-IX a Command Post Exercise (CPX) and a Field Training Exercise (FTX) will be conducted.
- A joint tactical exercise would be conducted subsequently wherein the battle drills of both the armies will be practiced.
- Troops of both armies will jointly practice a Counter Terrorist Operation in the final validation exercise.
- The first edition of the exercise was held in Assam, India in 2011.
Q.1 Which among the following is not a correct match of the exercise being held between the countries?a. Mitra Shakti - India & Sri Lanka
b. SAMPRITI – India & Bhutan
c. Hand in Hand – India & China
d. Indra – India & Russia