Current Context: Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) has developed a double-layered Khadi mask to contain the spread of COVID-19.

- They have developed this with the help of Double Twisted Khadi Fabric.
- The masks help to retain 70% of the moisture content inside and gives an easy passage for the air to pass through.
- As they are manufactured by using DT fabric and hence meet the quality and scale of demand of medical guidelines.
- The masks are highly reusable, washable and biodegradable with 7 inches length and 9 inches breadth with three pleats, four strips at the corner for tying.
- Therefore, KVIC has recently received an order to supply 7.5 lakh pieces of Khadi Masks to Jammu & Kashmir Government.
Static Part:
- Chairman of KVIC: V K Saxena
Q.1 Which organization/ministry developedDouble Layered Khadi Masks?
b. Ministry of health and family welfare
c. Amazon
d. Ministry of Commerce and Industry
b. Ministry of health and family welfare
c. Amazon
d. Ministry of Commerce and Industry