Current Context: Researchers at the Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences (CeNS) has discovered a catalyst called Molybdenum Dioxide which has proven to be low Cost and efficient way to generate hydrogen from water.

- The Molybdenum Dioxide (MoO2) nanomaterials are annealed in hydrogen atmosphere and possess the ability to act as an efficient catalyst.
- With the help of Molybdenum Dioxide (MoO2), hydrogen can be generated from water and produces water on energy generation without any carbon footprint.
- The discovery of Molybdenum Dioxide (MoO2) has led to the replacement of currently employed catalyst Pt which is very expensive and is limited in the resource.
- About 80% efficient conversion of electrical energy into hydrogen has been achieved using this catalyst.
Q.1 Which organisation has developed Molybdenum Dioxide (MoO2) to generate hydrogen from water at low cost and efficient way?
b. IIT-Delhi
c. ICT Mumbai
d. CeNS
b. IIT-Delhi
c. ICT Mumbai
d. CeNS