Current Context: IBMC Financial Professionals Group, which is an international financial service institution and business consultancy has partnered with US Gold Currency Inc and

Blockfills in order to launch the world’s first monetary gold-backed US Gold digital currency.
- The gold-backed US Gold digital currency is launched for the first time in the world in India, Gulf Corporation Council (GCC), the Middle East and Africa.
- US Gold Currency Inc is basically the issuer of the US gold digital currency and Blockfills is the transaction platform provider.
- It was launched from Dubai, UAE at a specially designed IBMC Hybrid Event in a virtual way. At the virtual; event, officials from US Gold Currency, Asia-Africa Development Council, GSEF and Blockfills USA were present.
- Each US Gold digital currency is backed by a US American Eagle one ounce (33.931 gram) gold coin, minted by the US Federal Agency, US Mint.
- The holder or the owner of the currency can redeem their digital assets as physical gold coin or in UD dollars from any part of the world.
Q.1 In which of the following country/ countries World’s First Gold-Backed Digital Gold Currency was launched?
a. Africa
b. India
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. China
a. Africa
b. India
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. China