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‘Jivan Vayu’--- IIT Ropar

Published on June 15, 2021
Current Context: The Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar developed a device named as ‘Jivan Vayu’.
‘Jivan Vayu’--- IIT Ropar
  • The ‘Jivan Vayu’ is a substitute for CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine.
  • It can deliver high flow oxygen up to 60 Litres Per Minute (LPM).
  • It can function without electricity. It is suitable for both kinds of oxygen generation units namely, O2 cylinders and oxygen pipelines in hospitals.
  • It is basically designed for a 22mm CPAP closed-circuit tube and is customizable to the tube size.
  • It is manufactured using 3D printing and was tested mechanically.
  • The ‘Jivan Vayu’ is capable to deliver high flow oxygen (20–60 LPM) and can maintain a continuous positive pressure of up to 20 cm H2O.
  • It maintains FiO2 of above 40% and PEEP (positive end-expiratory pressure) of 5-20 cm H2O.
  • The device will prove beneficial during the pandemic period of COVID-19 especially when the power supply is a major concern for saving the lives of those who are on medical equipment like ventilators and oxygen concentrators.
  • The device is developed by Dr Khushboo Rakha, Assistant Professor, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. It was developed at the Advanced Materials and Design Lab of IIT Ropar.


Q.1 Which institute developed a device named ‘Jivan Vayu’ which is a substitute for CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine?
a. IIT Ropar
b. IIT Dhanbad
c. IIT Roorkee
d. IIT Patna
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