- It is a camp for the distribution of aids and assistive devices to Divyangjan and Senior Citizens.
- The assistance is being provided to Divyangjan under the ADIP Scheme (Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase / Fitting of Aids and Appliances) and to the Senior Citizen under RVY Scheme. (Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana)
- This camp has been organized by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD) in association with ALIMCO and District Administration Chitradurga, Karnataka.
- In the camp devices worth, INR 143.33 lakh will be distributed.
- Chief Guest of the function - Shri A Narayanawami, Union Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment.
Q.1 A camp named ‘Samajik Adhikarita Shivir’ was recently inaugurated by which ministry?
a. Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
b. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
a. Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
b. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
c. Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution (DCA)
d. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
d. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment