- The committee examines the representation of employees who are sacked under Fundamental Rule (FR) 56 and Rule 48 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules 1972.
- Under these rules, the government has the right to fire government officials for lack of integrity, and ineffectiveness in the public interest.
- The main objective of the fundamental rule is to enhance the administrative machinery, by fostering responsible and efficient administration at all levels.
- It also helps to achieve efficiency, economy, and speed in the disposition of government responsibilities.
- The three panel consists of Arti Ahuja Secretary of chemical and petrochemicals Secretary, Puneet Kansal, Joint Secretary in the Cabinet Secretariat, and One member nominated by the cadre controlling authority.
Q.1 Recently the government has re-constituted a three-member panel to examine which of the following cases?a. Corruption
b. Human trafficking
c. Illegal Drugs
d. Mob Lynching