Current Context: On April 2023, State Chief Secretary Usha Sharma said that an agreement has been reached between the State Government and the French Development Agency, under which plantation will be done on a large scale.

- The state government of Rajasthan in collaboration with French Development Agency will implement a project called 'Rajasthan Forestry and Biodiversity Development Project'
- The joint agreement between Rajasthan and French Development Agency was signed by Dr. D N Pandey and Bosle Bruno who is the French Development Agency Director
- Rs 1693.91 crore will be spent in 13 districts in the next 8 years, out of which 70 percent (Rs 1185.28 crore) will be borne by the French Development Agency and 30 percent (Rs 508.62 crore) by the state government.
- The plantation process will be done in 55000 hectares area and also the forest development agency will distribute 55 lakh samplings to the areas which were not listed by the government.
- 610 km of borders in forest areas will be protected by concrete walls.
Q.1 French Development Agency in collaboration with which state government has implemented the ‘Forestry and Biodiversity Development Project'a. Uttar Pradesh
b. Madhya Pradesh
c. Rajasthan
d. Bihar