- The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed March 21 as the International Day of Forests in 2012 to celebrate and raise awareness of the importance of all types of forests.
- The primary objective of World Forestry Day is to promote sustainable forest management practices and highlight the various contributions of forests to the environment, economy, and society.
- The theme for World Forestry Day 2024 is ‘Forests and Innovation: New Solutions for a Better World’.
- This theme underscores the crucial relationship between forests and innovation, highlighting their reciprocal roles in shaping a better world.
- Forests play a critical role in mitigating climate change and biodiversity loss, acting as vital carbon sinks that absorb greenhouse gases and harbor an incredible diversity of life.
- They are home to 80% of all known amphibian species and more than 30% of new diseases reported since 1960 are attributed to land use change, including deforestation.
Q.1 What day is recognized as World Forestry Day?a. March 21
b. April 22
c. June 5
d. December 10