- The list is divided into various categories such as Entertainment & Sports, Finance & Venture Capital, Enterprise Technology, Media, Marketing & Advertising, Consumer Technology, Industry, Manufacturing & Energy, The Arts (Art&Style, Food&Drink), Social Impact, Retail & Ecommerce, and Healthcare & Science.
- Some interesting facts about the 2024 listees:
- They have raised over $1B+ in total funding.
- 48% of the listees are Founders or Co-founders.
- The average age of Under 30s is 26.7 years (the youngest is 15).
- The list features 86 Indians, including Akshit Bansal, Raghav Arora, and Bhagya Shree Jain.
- Akshit Bansal and Raghav Arora are the co-founders of Statiq, a company that provides a nationwide network of charging stations for electric vehicles in India. Their charging stations can juice up an EV in as little as 15 minutes. Statiq has so far raised $27.5 million in funding from investors.
- Bhagya Shree Jain is the founder of The Disposal Company (TDC). TDC advises mostly fast-moving consumer goods companies on how to reduce their plastic footprint. TDC also brokers plastic credits, similar to carbon credits, for its customers.
Q.1 What does The Disposal Company (TDC), founded by Bhagya Shree Jain, do?a. It advises companies on how to increase their plastic footprint.
b. It advises companies on how to reduce their plastic footprint.
c. It manufactures plastic products
d. It recycles plastic products.