- The MoU references up to USD 1 billion of support over the next three years, primarily including debt financing and advisory solutions.
- The collaboration is aimed at supporting the financing and development of ReNew’s strategic energy transition projects both in India and globally.
- These projects include utility-scale energy projects such as solar, wind, complex renewables, green hydrogen, energy storage, and solar modules manufacturing.
- Sumant Sinha, Founder, Chairperson, and Chief Executive Officer of ReNew, and Dr. Katan Hirachand, Chief Executive and Chief Country Officer of Societe Generale India, expressed their positive outlook on this collaboration.
- This collaboration is expected to contribute significantly towards India’s net zero goals and drive the deployment of green energy in the market.
Q.1 With whom did ReNew sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on May 15, 2024?a. Tata Motors
b. Green Peace India
c. Indian Renewable Energy Agency
d. Societe Generale