- This day is a tribute to the contributions and achievements of workers worldwide.
- The roots of this day can be traced back to the 1886 Haymarket Riot in Chicago, where labour unions in the United States initiated a strike advocating for an eight-hour workday.
- The day is now observed in more than 80 countries, including India, Cuba, China, and many others.
- In 1955, the Catholic Church dedicated May 1st to “Saint Joseph the Worker”, who is the patron saint of workers and craftsmen.
- The theme for International Labour Day 2024 is “Empowering Workers: Building Resilient and Inclusive Workplaces”.
- This theme focuses on the empowerment of workers to create inclusive and adaptive workplaces, advocating for environments that respect and value the diversity of their workforce.
Q.1 When is International Labour Day celebrated annually?a. February 1st
b. March 1st
c. April 1st
d. May 1st