Current Context: NITI Aayog, NIC (National Informatics Center) and Atal innovation Mission have come together to launch CollabCAD (Collaborative CAD Software).

- It is a computer-enabled software system which provides a total engineering solution from 2D drafting & detailing to 3D product designing.
- The software is launched for the 5000 schools where Atal Tinkering Labs (ATL) are established. And hence will grant an innovative platform for the students to create and modify 3D designs with free flow of creativity and imagination.
- The software will motivate students to create data across the network and parellely access the same design data for storage and visualization.
Static Part:
- NITI Aayog HQ: New Delhi
- NITI Aayog Chairman: Narendra Modi
- NITI Aayog CEO: Amitabh Kant
- NIC HQ: New Delhi
Q.1 What is the name of the software launched by NITI Aayog, NIC and Atal Innovation Mission?
a. CollabCAD
b. 3D CAD
d. 2D CAD
a. CollabCAD
b. 3D CAD
d. 2D CAD