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Registrar General of India released Birth Rate, Death Rate and IMR Data

Published on May 11, 2020
Current Context: Registrar General of India has released Birth rate, Death rate, and IMR data.
Registrar General of India released Birth Rate, Death Rate and IMR Data
  • The data states that India's infant mortality rate (IMR) has improved very marginally from 33 per 1,000 live births in 2017 to 32 in 2018.
  • Kerala has received the best IMR value in single digits at 7. Also, only Kerala state has now achieved the United Nations' sustainable development goal in this regard. Whereas Madhya Pradesh has the worst IMR in the country at 48.
  • Registrar General of India also released data for death and birth rates. India’s birth rate stood at 20. The death rate was 6.2. Chhattisgarh has the highest death rate in the country at 8 whereas Delhi has the lowest at 3.
  • The birth rate in India has declined from 36 in 1971 to 20 now. The death rate in 1971 was 14.9.

Static Part:

  • Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India: Vivek Joshi


Q.1 As per the data released by the Registrar General of India which state has the best IMR value?
a. Maharashtra
b. Gujrat
c. Madhya Pradesh
d. Kerala
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