- Defense Ministry signs an agreement with TATA Power SED to modernize the infrastructure of 37 airfields of the Indian Air Force.
- Static Part:
- HQ of TATA Power SED: New Delhi
- Obituaries: Pandanda Kuttappa- He was the founder of the Kodava Family Hockey Tournament.

- Hari Shankar Vasudevan- He was a Historian, passed away due to COVID-19.
- Important Days: 11th May 2020- National Technology Day
- "Mission Sagar”-- To Provide Assistance to Indian Ocean Region Nations
- State Bank of India Cuts Benchmark Lending Rate by 15 bps
- ICMR Partners with India Post—To Deliver COVID-19 Testing Kits
- Registrar General of India released Birth Rate, Death Rate, and IMR Data
Q.1 When is National Technology Day observed?
a. 10th May
b. 11th May
c. 12th May
d. 13th May
Q.2 Hari Shankar Vasudevan, who passed away recently, belonged to which profession?
a. Historian
b. Singer
c. Writer
d. Social Service
a. 10th May
b. 11th May
c. 12th May
d. 13th May
Q.2 Hari Shankar Vasudevan, who passed away recently, belonged to which profession?
a. Historian
b. Singer
c. Writer
d. Social Service